Warm Up: 1:00 1/2 Split Stetch 1:00 Puppy Dog 3 Rounds: 10 Toe Touches 10 Burpees 10 Push ups For Time: 10-1 Power Cleans Jerks Push ups * If you have a barbell, use is! Keep it light 95/65# * If you have 2x DB's, use them! * 1x DB is perfect too, just alternate side, go as heavy as you can! - 10 Power Clean, 10 Jerks, 10 Push ups, 9, PC, 9 Jerks, 9 Push ups.. and so on No Equipment For Time: 10-1 Burpees Stink Bugs x2 Mtn Climbers Kids WOD For Time: 10-1 Burpees Jumping Jacks Push ups