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Warm up: 1:00 1/2 Saddle Stretch 1:00 Puppy Dog 3 Rounds Not For Time: :30 Plank hold 6 Pike to Plank + Push up 6 Lunge + Reach :30 Squat Hold + 5 Squats 3 Rounds For Time: 400m Jog 18 Push Press 18 FR Lunge 18 FR Squat

*Use a barbell, DB's, or KB for these movements.

*Pick a weight you can do with minimal breaks and rest

*If you're using 1 DB or KB, do 9 PP on your right, then 9 PP on your left No Equipment 3 Rounds For Time: 400m Jog 18 Pike Push ups 18 Jumping Lunge 18 Jumping Squat Kid WOD: 3 Rounds:

400m Run 12 Push ups 12 Lunges 12 Squat

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