Warm Up: 1:00 Lizard Stretch 1:00 Puppy Dog 2 Rounds NFT: 10 BootStrappers 10 Leg Swigs per leg 10ft SL Bear Crawl 20 Bunny Hops HOME WOD Have Equipment 14:00 AMRAP 8 Clean and Jerks 4 Burpees over you bar 50 DU/ 100 SU * Barbell- 135/95# * DB's use 2 if you have them, what ever weight you have! * If you have just 1 DB, do 6 total Clean and Jerks 3/3 * No JR? 100 Lateral Hops No Equipment 14:00 AMRAP 8 Jumping Plank to Pike + Stink Bug 4 Burpees + 6" Jump with extension 100 Lateral Hops